Buy from Taobao in Russia
Do you want to buy from taobao? Or any website you know in China? AIOExpress can help you do this. It's simple, you browse online store and pick goods, you submit the goods URL to us and we buy for you. We loacted at China, we can buy all things you can find in the online store, so you can relax and enjoy all the latest deals in China!
Sent to Russia time
We have dhl, Fedex, EMS, etc. can be parcel to Russia, time spent in different ways are not the same. EMS need 4-7 business days, DHL need 3-5 business days, and DHL Special Discount need 7-9 days. Post Airmail weight limit 2kg, they spent a longer time, China Post Airmail need 15-20 business days, MY Post Airmail need 20-35 business days. You can see more ways in shipping calculator
How to pay
It's ok if you do not have the yuan, we support PayPal and Western Union for the payments.
How does AIOExpress work?
If you have already registered an account, you can submit the goods URL to us in user center "Shopping Order". After your package arrives warehouse, You can submit a packing in "In Warehouse" and we will ship them to you. Please read How to use AIOExpress for more information.
We can also forward your parcels
Looking for a freight forwarding service only? Sure thing! The only thing you need to notice is remember you ID, we have to identify your package by the four letters of the alphabet. When they arrives warehouse, you can also choose to consolidate multiple parcels into one to save more on international shipping costs.